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More than ever, illustration is being used to visualise media campaigns, adding artistic distinction, style, and individualism to concepts. Companies who commission illustration for their projects recognise the advantages illustrations have.

Illustration can picture subjects and communicate concepts that cannot be documented photographically. Through the application of stylisation an illustration can convey exaggeration, attitude, emotion, expression, and personality that is difficult for photography alone to impart. Additionally, illustration can visually simplify and explain confusing or complicated subjects.

Modern media thrives on creativity and Illustration as a visualisation media has a massive role to play. We have created many images for our clients using a variety of programmes to achieve the optimum effect.

We illustrate in a range of styles, from hand-drawn drawings to crisp graphic illustrations to best fit your brand. We understand that an illustration should be well balanced with text and the two working together should reinforce the message it’s trying to portray. Because we are used to working with all types of industries and for a vast range of services and products, the creation of winning illustration is second nature to us so not only will the result look professional but it will bring real results.

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